
Accreditation assures the delivery of consistent, high quality hospice palliative care among accredited programs and services located throughout the province.

HPCO Accreditation signifies to health professionals, the public, and funders that an organization, institution or program complies with industry standards and has been recognized by HPCO based on a rigorous review of overall performance by industry peers. Accreditation also serves as an indicator of commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

Organizations that offer In-Home Hospice, Visiting and/or Hospice Residence are encouraged to register to participate in HPCO’s Accreditation Program. In addition to these core programs, HPCO also offers Accreditation for Day Hospice, Spiritual Care, and Grief & Bereavement Support, and Complementary Therapy.

Hospice organizations have a maximum of 12 months from the start of their Self-Assessment to complete the process and have their decision rendered. For information on Accreditation Decisions click here.

Fee Schedule(s)

3-year Schedule in effect between April 1, 2025 and March 31, 2026 *NEW*

3-year Schedule in effect between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025


Steps to Accreditation

Register Now!

For more information, please contact Selina Abetkoff, Standards & Accreditation Coordinator at 416.304.1477 x236 or use the Contact Us Form.

Hospice Organizations Accredited by HPCO


HPCO accreditation provided us with the opportunity to pause and take an introspective look at our procedures and practices; allowing for both change and growth.  More importantly, the process allowed us to move from focusing on our current state towards developing a long-term vision for our program and define impact for both client services and our sector.”
-Lisa K., Jewish Hospice


“The HPCO Accreditation self-assessment framework guided our step-by-step review of all aspects of our volunteer visiting program processes. Additionally, our policies and procedures benefitted from our review through the lens of the evidence based HPCO criteria and standards.  We are confident that the HPCO Accreditation Program allowed us to strengthen our visiting volunteer program and our commitment to the ongoing improvement of the quality of our organization wide support for our clients and volunteers.”
-Janet B., St. Joseph’s Hospice London

HPCO is committed to the rigour and reliability of the Accreditation Program, and hospice organizations that have been accredited by HPCO are required to comply with HPCO Standards in order to maintain their Accreditation. Stakeholders who feel an accredited organization is not operating in compliance with the Standards may file a complaint with HPCO. For more information, please contact us at 416.304.1477 x236 or by email through our Contact Us Form.