Board of Directors
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario has a non-compensated volunteer Board of Directors. The current Directors are: Jennifer Wilson (Chair), Rosario Cartagena (Vice-Chair and Secretary), Rod Malcolm (Past-Chair), Paul Hazzard (Treasurer) and Directors Carol Derbyshire, Nazira Jaffer, Nancy Lefebre, Len Lifchus, Johanna Lim, Janette Panhuis, Angela Rea-Mahoney, Maria Rugg, and Lisa Sullivan.
Brief biographies of the Directors are available here.
Annual Reports and Audited Financial Statements
Financial Statements: 2023-2024
Previous Annual Reports:
Annual Report: 2022-2023
Annual Report: 2021-2022
Annual Report: 2020-2021
Annual Report: 2019-2020
Annual Report: 2017-2018
Annual Report: 2016-2017
Audited Financial Statements:
Financial Statements: 2022-2023
Financial Statements: 2021-2022
Financial Statements: 2020-2021
Financial Statements: 2019-2020
Financial Statements: 2018-2019
Our charitable registration number is 133412197RR0001. Registered Charity Information Returns (T3010) for all years may be found at the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency at Please visit our official returns page or review our T3010 information for additional details and compensation information. Please note that returns are typically posted by CRA several months after September 30.
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