Why participate in this project?
The HPCO Hospice Quality Metrics Platform offers a suite of:
- Patient outcome and impact indicators
- Data collection methods
- Analysis tools
Together, this information demonstrates the impact and value of hospice services. Aligned with the Health Quality Ontario dimensions of quality in health care and HPCO’s Accreditation framework, the Metrics Platform is focused on improving the patient and provider experience through the delivery of high-value palliative care.
The development of the Visiting Hospice, Hospice Residence, and Outreach Teams/Shared Palliative Care components of this system has been a collaborative process between HPCO staff, management consultancy of Stratim Inc., and stakeholders from across the province.
The benefits to operationalizing this system include:
- Seek alignment to the Health Quality Ontario’s dimensions on high-quality palliative care and HPCO’s Accreditation framework
- Identify potential gaps in care delivery and engage in improving the patient and caregiver experience through strategic planning
- Collaborate with health care partners to develop system-level capacity for standards and indicators
- Encourage a culture of quality improvement within your health organization
- Support provincial advocacy efforts to demonstrate the collective impact and value of hospice services in Ontario
Who can participate?
This system has been designed for HPCO member organizations offering Hospice Residence, Visiting Hospice, and/or Outreach Teams/Shared Palliative Care services. Leveraging existing information and collecting client experience data, analytics are used to transform the data into relevant, useful and actionable indicators to measure and track your organizational performance.
Certain portions of the system may require a cost-share to participate. For more information, please contact us through our Contact Us Form.
How does it work?
Depending on the performance initiatives relevant for your organization, staff members will be given access to the Metrics homepage where you can input your information. Stored on a secure server, strict confidentiality and privacy is maintained with all information. Once you have access to the Metrics site, you can begin collecting data immediately.
For tools and tracking relevant to any Palliative Care/Service program:
- Client Check-In
- Volunteer Experience Check-In
For tools and tracking specific to Hospice Residence:
- Hospice Residence Statistics
- Edmonton System Assessment System (ESAS) Impact and Intervention
For tools and tracking specific to Visiting Hospices:
- Volunteer Lifecycle (pilot)
- Service Delivery
For tools and tracking specific to Outreach Teams/Shared Palliative Care services:
- System Impact (pilot)
Interpreting the data
After submitting a minimum amount of data, a My Hospice Site for your organization will be created, providing various ways of analyzing the data to support your quality improvement initiatives. The data models on the My Hospice Site are refreshed daily to provide your organization with most accurate and current information. Therefore, information submitted to the Metrics Platform will update the analytics by the following day.
Summary of the measures
Over 30 outcome measures for patient and caregiver experience are currently in implementation. These measures fall into four major categories:
- Client Experience
- Health Service Provider Experience
- Service Delivery
- Sustainable System
The measures represent a mix of objective and perceptive data, and every measure relates back to one of the HQO’s quality dimensions: Effective, Efficient, Equitable, Patient-Centred, Safe, Timely.
For more information, please contact us by email through our Contact Us Form.
Below is an excerpt of the Client Check-In report provided through the Metrics Platform: